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A Realtor's Guide To Personal Safety

Many people in different career fields are concerned about their safety, and realtors aren't an exception. Realtors are exposed to various clients during a wide variety of situations, including showing property, having an open house, or sometimes staffing the model house in a new subdivision. This is a considerable risk because, most of the time, they are alone. Learning safety tips as a realtor is essential. Here are eight tips to help you stay safe:

1) Consider public meetings

When you have a meeting with a client for the first time, ask them to meet you at the office. A public place is much safer because they're less likely to do anything to you if they're dangerous. You should also get some personal information from them, as much as you can, such as their driver's license. It's good to have information on the client as a backup in case something happens to you. Tracking them down is much easier that way.

2) Drive your own car

Try and avoid riding in your client's car when heading to the property. Drive your own car since it might be the only thing that can help you escape a harmful situation if something bad comes up. Always collect information such as the type of car they're driving, the color, and license plate number, then call back to your office with all the information just in case. To be extra safe when parking, ensure your car isn't blocked in after getting to the property to make your escape easier.

3) Let the client lead you

When you're out with a client looking at property, always have the client lead you. This gives you a significant advantage as the property will present itself, and you'll be able to always have your eyes on the client, knowing their every move. Before leaving, ensure you sign-in on the registry, also check if the office has information on the client. If there isn't any information, then give the office the client's information yourself. The office will know who you're with and where you are.

4) Keep your keys and cellphone close

Your keys can be an effective weapon of surprise. Don't ever walk around without them or your cell phone. They're handy tools if something unfortunate comes up. If you keep all your personal items in your handbag, then carry it with you always as you continue working with your client. You can also hide your purse (if you are a woman) in the trunk of your car. As a realtor, you have an advantage over the client, primarily because you are in a better position to know everything about the house. This gives you an easy way to escape if the client tries something that could be dangerous or harmful to you.

5) Enroll in self-defense classes

Learning self-defense will take you a long way in being safe. You'll be much better off if you are able to escape from the property within the first few minutes before being trapped. Don't waste time trying to talk yourself out of a situation. Make a run for it with the first chance you get. The more time you waste, the riskier it becomes.

6) Ensure your client knows their information is at the office

It's good if the client knows that the office is aware that you're with them and where you are. Other ways to stay safe include having a secret code for when you're in trouble that won't be so obvious. Keep your phone on vibrate so that the client doesn't know if you're calling or picking up a call.

7) Have your information at the office

Your office can help you during a crisis. Ensure there's enough information, including the make of your car, the color, and license plate. It makes it easier to track you. If you change cars, ensure you also give that information.

8) Leave your schedule at the office

It's crucial to ensure that your office has your complete schedule for the day. Report all of the appointments you have scheduled for the day, when you arrive, and when you leave. You should have a registry book if you're hosting an open house for clients to sign in. This leaves enough information on all your clients.


It's essential to consider them for your safety. It would be best if you made them second nature for them to work efficiently. As an agent, you'll primarily be working alone, but technology helps you stay safe and get help quickly.


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